The Virtual Equip Center
The Equip Center is the training and capacity building arm of Fortress Ministry. Our modules are now offered online with access to our distinguished instructors.
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What we do
We train Christians to be viable vessels for extending the kingdom of God in every marketplace.
Christian Apologetics and Training Institute (CATI)
CATI seeks to develop and equip Christians to uphold and put forth a confident, rational and intellectually sound defence of the Christian faith.
Mamre Christian Institute (MCI)
MCI is a 3-week intensive bible school that offers certificate and diploma courses with its focus on apologetics, doctrine, missions, spiritual disciplines, and theology.
Designed and built for everyone
Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, and much more.
My ability to communicate Christianity to others
especially unbelievers has advanced because here, you are given the tools that you need to proclaim and
defend the faith through your preaching and conversations.
Mayowa Ayoola
Apologetics has helped me find answers to crucial questions like why a Christian suffers and the evidences for
God’s existence.
I recommend CATi to anyone who wishes to know how to marry logic and faith together.